Siegel, Beatrice.

Indians of the Northeast woodlands / Beatrice Siegel ; illustrations by William Sauts Bock. - 1st paperback ed. - New York : Walker, 1995, c1992. - 96 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Rev. & updated ed. of: Indians of the woodland before and after the Pilgrims. 1972.

Includes bibliographical references (p. -90) and index.

ALA Booklist Book Links Horn Book

Describes the way of life of the Woodland Indians of the Northeast before the arrival of the white man. Also discusses what happened to these Indians and where they are today.

3 2-5

0802774555 $12.45

91042785 /AC

Woodland Indians--Juvenile literature.
Algonquian Indians--Juvenile literature.
Woodland Indians.
Algonquian Indians.
Indians of North America.
Woodland Indians
Algonquian Indians
Indians of North America

E78.E2 / S53 1992
